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Results for "practice: X-The Mystery"
Little Big Man A cross-generational story where a man's Indian grandfather prays to the Everywhere Spirit.
Stigmata A supernatural thriller about a Vatican conspiracy to suppress an Aramaic text that could shake the foundations of the church.
Passion in the Desert A beautiful film brimming with breathtaking scenes of danger, wonder and the communion between man and beast.
Blues Brothers 2000 A ragtag comedy that makes it clear that God works in mysterious ways.
The Ghost and the Darkness An unforgettable primal encounter with the mysterious other.
The Big Squeeze Shows how even morally bankrupt individuals can suddenly find themselves to be miracle workers.
Exotica Demonstrates that the mystery of the human personality must be respected and even hallowed.
Widow's Peak A diverting and well-acted English film that has just the right dash of comedy and mystery to keep us alert.
Rising Sun An intelligent and sophisticated screen adaptation of Michael Crichton's bestselling novel.
Sneakers A techno-thriller that reveals some of the morally questionable uses of computer power in the Information Age.